Jane2_edited-1For the last 20 years, Jane has worked for the NCT – the largest UK parenting charity, which has the reputation of providing evidence-based education and support for new parents.  She has progressed through the organisation, running workshops and one to one sessions for parents, assessing and supervising practitioners and being involved in strategy and shaping the future of the charity. She has tutored on a university diploma programme which trains facilitators to run workshops in the postnatal period, where the overall focus is on the psychological transition that parents go through when they enter parenthood.
More recently, Jane has achieved an MSc in Coaching and Behavioural Change at Henley Business School.
As a coach, Jane has run workshops and one to one sessions for clients from a range of sectors, including big corporations, the Third Sector, education, marketing and health. Her coaching style is centred on creating a safe environment so that clients are free to tap into their own creativity, develop personal insights and maximise their options.  This is achieved through a variety of techniques and approaches.  As one of her clients said “Jane is a safe pair of hands for any employee”.

Client feedback:

“Session was productive once again. Jane was very good at structuring the conversation and summarising key points. When I struggled to find my answers, she rephrased the question to help me clarify my thoughts. Very helpful. “       
“It has made a real difference.  I am more comfortable in my skin and colleagues have noticed a change.”   
“Useful to speak to others who have been in a similar situation – share ideas.”

mobile:07958 743877
email: jane.moffett@coaching.me.uk
web: coaching.me.uk


Contact – email: jane.moffett@coaching.me.uk